This little girl grew up in a chaotic household with four brothers and four sisters. She was the 4th born. A people pleaser from day one, to avoid getting in trouble. She loved school, skipped grade 3, and was voted Grade 8 valedictorian by the kids who were all a year older. In high school, she tried getting attention by being a bit of a rebel but by her sixth year, she figured out that doing good in school would bring her success in this life. She cried her eyes out the day she left for university when her little sister Heidi asked “When are you going to come back?” She never came back, but instead took her younger siblings in whenever they needed her. She was the first of her siblings to graduate from university and was so proud to see them follow in getting many post-secondary degrees and diplomas. She started her career 3 weeks after graduating and continues to grow as a leader, coach, and mentor. Most importantly, she has been married to her University sweetheart for over 20 years and she is Mom to three beautiful children, 2 teenage boys who voluntarily hug her every day and one very sweet 9-year-old daughter.
Why am I telling you this? Because 70% of girls feel more confident about their futures after hearing from women role models. I call on all the amazing women in my network to participate in this campaign by Inspiring Girls International led by Miriam Gonzalez Durantez. #thislittlegirlisme
This Little Girl is Me